Fishermen are among the most innovative and resourceful people on the planet.
The Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust (ASFT) and Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association (ALFA) partnered to launch a Fishery Conservation Network (FCN) to facilitate cooperative research between local Alaska fishermen and scientists to address research challenges and issues of common concern.
The FCN has created a space where fishermen can develop innovative solutions to current challenges and engage with scientists in research and conservation initiatives.
The Fishery Conservation Network launched with the generous support of the Oak Foundation in 2009. Many members of the fishing fleet have joined – and over the past ten years, more than one hundred commercial fishermen have worked together on projects such as reducing rockfish bycatch rates and mapping seafloor habitat. ALFA works to educate young fishermen in the fleet, offering support to the next generation of ocean stewards.
Learn more about the Fishery Conservation Network’s projects at the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association website.